A Circus of Colors



In keeping with the theme of my new book, The Traveling Dingleberries, I sorted through my closet.


I pulled together some dresses of vibrant colors.

Seated in a scooter all day, I want something comfortable. But, I also want to look feminine and trendy. I love color. I guess that’s the artist in me. So, when I find a dress style that floats my boat, I buy several in various colors.


The dresses pictured in this blog are from an online website. I bought my dresses in 2015. But, I looked again on the site (Amerimark) and the dress is still available. The price has gone up a bit, but what hasn’t?

I shop online. I find it a convenient way to shop and I don’t need to have my husband take me from store-to-store. He’s not a fun shopping companion. I don’t think most men are. His comment is, “Don’t you have enough clothes?”

My usual answer is, Nope. Girls love to shop and we girls love fashion.

I’m proud to be a Fashionista. Clothes and the bells and whistles that go with fashion, defines me.

So, now I want to explain how these colorful dresses fit into the theme of my new book. ‘The Traveling Dingleberries,’ is a book of humor/satire.

There are several settings in my book. You see, the plot was about time travel. Through an error with Walter Shuster’s elbow, he sends his companions back to the 1800’s. This was the period of cowboys and Indians in the wild west.

Now, you need to open your mind and think about how the folks back then would perceive a metallic clad foursome. I think this might raise a few eyebrows. This is where the ‘No Shoes Required,’ BLOG comes into play.

Ms. Lorraine is the fashion coordinator in the story. Her job is to find clothing that works in their geographic locations. And of course, for the period of time they happen to be in.

Now, my job in writing this blog is to find clever ways to introduce fun, trendy and easy to wear fashions. The idea behind this blog is to share clothing options for women with disabilities.

My disability is a physical one. I use a mobility device and I sit all day. I also work from home. But that doesn’t mean I want to wear my sleepwear all day. I feel better about myself and I’m more productive when I look nice.

My husband comments every time the mailman brings me a package. But, he’s okay with it. Because he likes my style. A happy wife makes for a happy life.

So, now back to my book, ‘The Traveling Dingleberries, Time Travel.’ Walter & Katy Shuster are in the company of Commander, Mr. Ed who is a genius. He’s the glue that holds the eccentric couple, Walter & Katy together.

As I said before, Ms. Lorraine is the brains behind the plot. She is a writer and her creative mind is what the other characters depend on. The Shusters are misfits. They create havoc and misguide the foursome. It’s up to Ms. Lorraine to push the story forward with her ingenuity. She is also the wardrobe coordinator throughout the book.

The primary setting in the story comes about in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The time, period is in the 1960’s. And they are in desperate need of money.

So, Ms. Lorraine changes the time travel pod into a circus tent. Of course, what happens in the story is full of laughs and costume changes. This is when I thought about my dresses. I had always called them… my colorful circus dresses. Perfect!

Now, my lady friends. I’ve started this blog by sharing bits of my life. I want you to come out of the woodwork and share your thoughts, ideas and pictures about you. Tell the readers about the tricks you’ve learned to make your disability a fun adventure.

Send them to me, K. Lorraine at my email punken1947@live.com. I look forward to reading and posting your story on the ‘No Shoes Required,’ webblog. http://www.noshoesrequiredblog.wordpress.com.

Author’s Message:

Disability has no boundaries. Creativity and imagination come from the mind, not of the limbs. Anything is possible.

Creativity, talent, artist+ disability = Handicapable.

Until next time,

Be the Fashionista you want to be.

P.S. My new book is available at the Kindle ebook store for $5.99. If you prefer a paperback format, the book is available on Createspace at the cost of $9.59. Please take a look. Thank you…

K. Lorraine
